Your support and contributions will enable us to improve Downriver veterans quality of life.
Your generous, tax-deductible contribution to our 501C3 charity will help Downriver veterans and their families with essential life expenses. We CAN accept:
We CANNOT accept clothing or medical supplies
Clothing can be donated to STEP Thrift Store- Southgate Shopping Center 13705 Eureka Southgate, MI 48195
Other ways you can help:
Are you an AMAZON shopper? Just choose to shop on AmazonSmile , the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers! Please select "Downriver for Veterans" as your choice charity! Thank you!
Thank you to those who connect us to your Kroger Plus Card! You can link your plus card to the Downriver for Veterans charity #SQ040 and help us earn funds every time you shop. To learn more about the Community Rewards program and how it can help Downriver for Veterans, visit Remember to renew every April so DFV continues to get your support and Thank you!
Please check here to shop and proceeds will help those who served our country and are now in need.